We all know that the nose is the central part of the face and small changes to it can make huge differences in your appearance. A rhinoplasty, or nasal reshaping surgery, is among the top five most popular cosmetic surgeries performed in the United States year after year. It is not surprising then, that the demand for liquid rhinoplasty has also boomed in recent years.
While a rhinoplasty is really the gold standard when it comes to nasal reshaping and provides long-lasting results, it may not be for everyone. Oftentimes, the cost and the downtime can be deterrents for patients, not to mention just the fear and anxiety that comes along with any surgery and, especially surgery of the face. But rest assured, if you are unhappy with the shape of your nose, and you fit in the category above, we’ve got another option that might work perfectly for you!
Nonsurgical approach to rhinoplasty
A liquid rhinoplasty, or nonsurgical rhinoplasty, is the injection of dermal fillers into the nose to alter its shape. It’s a great option for patients that have isolated deformities of their nose, such as a dorsal hump or minor asymmetries.
It can also be a great option for those patients that have had a rhinoplasty in the past and have minor irregularities postoperatively. These patients, however, require more expertise and care in their injections as the blood supply has already been altered following surgery and the risks of complications can be higher.
A nonsurgical rhinoplasty is also a great option for those that want instant results, may not be able to afford a surgical rhinoplasty, and cannot take a significant time off of work.
Finally, patients may also undergo a liquid rhinoplasty to “test out” whether they want to take the plunge and get more definite surgery. The results are temporary and you can essentially take your rhinoplasty out for a “test-drive.”